Do u need break through in life?

I don't know your problems, I don't know your afflictions, I don't know the areas you want God to touch in your life.
But I know for sure that the God of Abraham , Isaac and of Israel , the righteous God of Chosen who chose the first fruit of Heaven to save the world will surely meet your need. 
It mights be that you have every thing in life,but let me tell you wealth, riches, name it is a form of break through, and also it is a misconception to many believers and the people there in the world. looking on what happen in the bible days,In 1kings 5 vs 1. A man called Naa-man, a captain of the host of king of Syria, He was a great man with his master and honorable, a man of mighty man in valour, But he was a Leper. What about Zacchaeus?
He was a rich man but yet he climb a sycomore tree just to see Jesus. let us prove it In Luke 19 vs 1-6; Showing that he knew what break through is all about.Now are you one like that?  feel free to visit or We have good and dedicated prayer warriors that can pray on your behalf. For assistance in prayer.

Our Vision
Of course when God calls one for an assignment or mission, He will obviously impart in the person the concept or vision on which the calling will be anchored in. Thus, the three (3) fold vision upon which the calling of Pastor Lazarus Muoka is anchored are:-