Deferral of requirement for security awareness certification

Following the International Maritime Organisation's recommendations in Circular STCW7/Circ 21, the Cyprus Department of Merchant Shipping has announced that where a seafarer on board a Cyprus-flagged ship has not received a security awareness certification or training on designated security duties,(1) the department will accept compliance with Section 13 of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. This is a temporary concession that expires on January 1 2015.

No contract extending beyond July 1 2015 may be offered to a seafarer for service on board a Cyprus-flagged ship if the seafarer does not hold the relevant certifications.

For further information on this topic please contact Vassilis Psyrras at Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC by telephone (+357 25 110 000), fax (+357 25 110 001) or email ( The Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC website can be accessed at


(1) In accordance with Regulation VI/6 of the Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention and Section A-VI/6, Paragraphs 4 and 6, of the STCW Code.